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You feel like a magnet for everything you desire - and you are.
You enjoy and appreciate yourself and others, overlook problems, and expect a good outcome.
Your vision of the "good life" is your personal unique destination.
If it's been awhile since you've felt "the flow of Good Fortune" and abundance carrying you to your Vision, sign up today for the FREE weekly Ezine, and the 21 "Good Fortune ....ah HA! Insights in the home-study course.
You'll find tips, strategies, quotes to ponder, and words of wisdom to inspire you. The guidelines build an easy, fun path to the Life of Your Dreams.
Give up hard work and struggle - as you've probably noticed, that does NOT work.
You're in the right place if you're ready for change and willing to make your life work out the way you want it to be.
One quick easy step clears up confusion, achieves clarity, releases fear and builds self-esteem - ...and moves you into the life you want - quickly.
Sound too good to be true?
It is true! Discover your own truth and live it - you've got nothing to lose but frustration, disappointment and all the other stuff you don't want.
"Success" is a formula. Follow a plan, just like following a recipe and you'll get exactly what you expect. The bi-weekly Ezine is a collection of "recipes" for success.
In addition to the weekly Ezine, you will also be enrolled FREE in the mini-home study program: 21 Good Fortune ....ah HA! Insights.
The 21 Insights are 4-8 pages of a key insight, taken from the main home-study program: "Live the Dream."
It takes 21 days to change a habit - with Focused repetition. Following this simple plan builds your success solidly, based in your own truths.
Receive a practical guide every five days, allowing time to work with the ideas.
Each Insight is a step "building a bridge" from what you have now to what you want.
As you complete each session, your old habits or mind-set shifts to include a new Vision of your future.
Nothing in your life CAN change until you do. Change what? Your Attitudes, beliefs and your self-talk. Once you make the shift - your life quickly expands to include the new you and your new future.
Use this great practical guide to help you open your mind to your full potential and reveal limiting habits - then the path to Good Fortune becomes clear and easy to follow.
Using the Insights and the Good Fortune Tips together will free your future from the bondage your past habits of thought created.
Begin today! Only you can do this for yourself, and it begins with a commitment to live your Dream - Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!
and the law is that
like attracts like,
consequently, the mental attitude
will invariably attract, such conditions
as correspond to its nature."
It only takes 21 days to change a habit - begin today and soon you will be attracting and Living the life of your Dreams.
You can do this. Get the latest Scientific facts from Epigenetics, quantum physics, and use the principals in ancient wisdom: Get results you can spend. Why not begin living in your own Good Fortune today?
Can you spare two minutes? If you haven't yet, why not enroll in the free mini-home study program. "21 Days of Insights" open up your creative potential and reveal limiting habits - then the path to Good Fortune becomes clear and easy.
Check out the Ezine Archives. Take a peek at the bi-weekly Ezine and review the path to success.
Sample Good Fortune: FREE every week for "21 Insights Home-Study course." Jump back up there and sign in!
"You are an amazing inspiration and I'm so glad I found you!
Your website has so much incredible info on it it'd be almost impossible not to follow your dreams and your passions. I read the 'Overcome Fear' article and it has changed my life. I've been trying to find answers basically since I became manic-depressive at fourteen. I've been on the net for over ten years and everything I've studied, spent and learned about changing my life, never worked, but with the 'Fear' info, I've found the answers I've been searching for!! (Read June Harder's True Tale and path to Good Fortune story) Again I want to thank you for saving my life!!"
Section from Mark B.'s True Tale - "….At 52 I decided that I had to do something to try and figure out how to be happy. So I Googled "Happiness" and "Freedom from fear." Quick Good Fortune popped up and caught my eye. I got on Cheryl's email program in no time. I think that the very first issue of Quick Good Fortune Tips ezine was on fear. This gave me some relief after all of these years. Quick Good Fortune also taught me that when I felt fear or anxiety, I should focus on my main goal in life. This was the key for me in getting free from fear (for the most part.) I also used Tapping.
(Follow Mark's inspiring True Tale a practical guide on how to Overcome Fear.)
….For the first time in my life I now feel good about myself. Mark B.
“I know Law of Attraction is working in my life!”
First I want say thank you for your weekly insights. They are helping to keep me open to attract good things into my life. The Law of Attraction resonated with me... here is my experience. (Sandy's story was such an honest and revealing journey, it is a "True Tale" (2nd story about half-way down the page.) I have found the information on your website regarding fear to be very helpful. I signed up for the mini version of the 21 days course and I've been looking for information on the full course- Estela V (...not published yet.) I have to tell you that you truly hit it right on the head with what you said in your message here. Thank you you have helped me greatly. I enjoy your messages and always look forward to the next one. Thanks again! Joann R. VERY, VERY GOOD, I LIKE. THANK YOU SINCERELY LEE C. Your lifestory is fascinating and your newsletter is one that I save because its loaded with useful content. Karen S. “I often pass on your newsletter to clients-”
Judith Fine-Sarchielli, Topanga, California ![]()
The more I read your unique Insights, the more I enjoy it! Am I already signed up? Is it all free? I really love what you say about feeding into discussions around politics. I'm amazed at the lack of courage many Americans are manifesting. Thanks for being an example of leadership in the face of fear. I also get inspired by many of your quotes. I am going to quote you sometimes! Have a bountiful day, and thanks so much for YOU! I forwarded this from the "21 Insights on Wealth and Creativity:" Hi friends, It says what I teach in PBM. You must manifest your inner self, which is creative and abundant. The closer and clearer you are about your essence, the wealthier you are and the more the finances will manifest. Practice. Practice. Practice being in the moment and being your own inspiration. Judith (Judith Fine-Sarchielli is an author and editor - and she contributes articles to Quick-Good-Fortune.com) |
Visit the Quick Good Fortune home page for an overview and tips and strategies for achieving your Dreams.
Nothing else you are doing will get you to success without an understanding of how you are attracting your experiences, and how to attract what you want.
Follow a plan and build a 'superhighway' to your Vision of the future. You'll like Good Fortune...try it out - it's FREE - and you can always cancel.
Visit the Articles for a variety of subjects, many are past Ezines expanded with more strategies and tips, some with photos and fun quotes.
Visit the Site Map for all the topics and links to Quick-Good-Fortune.com and Live the Dream.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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Train your mind just like
you train and exercise your body:
change habits and stretch your limits.
Feed your mind a healthy diet
just like you feed your body:
Repetition works
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Find what inspires you and repeat, repeat, repeat -
Each topic is designed to get you
where you want to be:
Living in your Good Fortune!
Return to Home Quick Good Fortune.
Once, to get over
the fear of doing it.
Twice, to learn
how to do it.
And a third time
to figure out
whether you like it
or not."
“We do not err
because truth is
difficult to see.
It is visible
at a glance.
We err because
this is more
Because unless
you believe
that the future
can be better,
you are unlikely
to step up and take
responsibility for
making it so.
If you assume
there is no hope,
you guarantee
there will be no hope."
Even the most
tedious chore will
become endurable
as you parade
through each day
convinced that
every task,
no matter how
menial or boring,
brings you closer
to fulfilling
your dreams."
Fools stand on their
island opportunities
and look toward another land.
There is no
other land,
there is no other
life but this.
"If we choose to
believe that we're
responsible for our
experiences, the good
and the so-called bad,
then we have
the opportunity
to outgrow
the effects
of the past.
We can change.
We can be free."
Motivation determines
what you do.
Attitude determines
how well you do it."
What the mind
dwells upon,
the body acts upon."