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Stress Relief: Solution
The fear of others attracts experiences to fear. It's the "fear" that is stressing you - your Attitude - and not the others you attract. |
Why? Because once you relieve your own stress in relation to the others involved, you are no longer looking for and attracting trouble. Only then does a solution quickly appear.
You can't think clearly when you are stressed and feel fearful. Overcome fear -- and relieving stress is easy. Now you can take the steps to stop this pattern from continuing in your future.
The worse a problem gets, the worse you feel.
Then Law of Attraction brings more experiences that match and feel bad too.
Now you feel stuck, depressed or angry.
There's no doubt "fear" is the problem when relations sour.
Once you know that your fear is the cause - you can free yourself and observe the situation. Make a plan and carry it out. Break free from the entanglements for good.
Happiness is the key
to success.
If you love what you are doing,
you will be successful."
Relations with others are the foundation of success in everything you do. You can't be happy and indulge in stressful relating. Those are opposite vibrations or feelings and they deliver opposite results. If you want success - you must find a way to be happy with everyone. Law of Attraction works for you and answers that vibration and you get success easily and quickly.
A Quick Good Fortune Insight: The bigger the problem the more profitable the solution. Great solutions always follow BIG problems. If you're in a really big mess: Good! It's the perfect time to fix it for good.
Problems are always about relating to others. Everyone has a friend or two that is difficult. When it's a close relation or work or something you do every day - it's worth changing it.
When I am depressed it is because
I am living in the past.”
Once you're in a difficult situation it's hard not to believe it's true - but it is ONLY true BECAUSE you believe it....once you change how you see it - it will change.
Truth or reality is fluid. Anything you want can be true. How? Prove it to yourself. You will get to what you really want by FOCUSING on only that -- and ignoring what you don't want. Your NEW Attitude will soon become "true." Your "truth" changes to become whatever you Focus on and attract.
Your resistance to others is the cause of your stress, not the others. How you see others brings out the best or the worst in them. |
That's a fear you can change. No one and nothing can interfere with your attracting what you want: it's all a match to your vibration.You think THEY make you feel bad - but it's your ATTITUDE doing it all. How do you know? Change your Attitude and everything changes. |
They do not need fixing or changing. The only question is: What are you doing there? If you're trying to "fix" them or please them - give it up. That's an inside job. You can't do it for another.
The truth is - you're there because you fear others can harm you or interfere with what you want. Today is a good day to learn that isn't so...and to change that idea into the truth:
You get what you Focus on.
Your Attitude determines your outcome - not the others you attract.
You feel, and resonate, to what you tell yourself you are seeing. You know when someone is upset with you - and they know too. Now they are defensive too.
But you can ignore the parts you fear or dislike in others and focus only on solutions instead. Even if there are only a few good qualities in them, giving only the good qualities your full attention will change everything.
Your fear and dislike is bringing out the worst in them... you can change that quickly.
The first week of change is the hardest. Once you've practiced and repeated what you WANT TO THINK then it gets easier.
You train your mind in just this way. You can think whatever you want and you soon get the results of what you think. It's a good skill to master.
Why not practice on the ornery ones? Find something to like...you can do this. Humor helps too.
All that matters NOW is that you want to change it enough to be willing to change how you see it. Now look for solutions. Find something to like...no matter how small and enjoy it. It will really annoy the others at first...but once you really like them - and feel it -- they will change too. Once you are happy - it won't matter.
When you're with them...really listen to them. Silently remind yourself that this is their choice - not yours. There's no need to respond and attempt to argue them out of their position. That hooks you in. They are speaking from fear and habit and can't hear you anyway.
Take a look and really see this drama happening...it will keep you from doing the same things. Be grateful that you don't think and live that way. Appreciate yourself for being "understanding" and not resenting them for being stupid or mean or whatever. Find what ideas make you smile - and think only that. Over and over.
Your "problem relationships" are the result of your "habit of thinking" -- or an unconscious attitude you have about others and this situation. If it doesn't feel good: Fear is the reason. It's likely an old genetic fear from your ancestors struggles for survival. It's not true now and you can replace it. If you don't, you'll continue to attract these kinds of experiences. That blocks your attracting wealth and health (your Focus is "drama" and not success.)
Stress is a choice -- chose to let it go. You can change any habit in 21 days...and change your point of Attraction (or Karma too.)
Whether I fail or succeed
shall be no man's doing
but my own.
I am the force;
I can clear any obstacle
before me or I can be lost
in the maze.
My choice; my responsibility;
win or lose, only I hold the
key to my destiny."
Do you "journal?" Ask yourself for your own simple steps, and make a list and then follow it. Visit and try out Stress Free Relations....and Overcome Fear. to stop this drama from continuing in your life.
It's all attracted to you by what you FEEL. Your feelings follow your thoughts - think new thoughts!
Bridging from Fear to Success.
To move your Attitude from where you are -- to where you want to be - make a bridge of ideas that expands the old fear - into the TRUTH you want to live. Train your mind to think this new idea. Practice this until it becomes a habit and then try it out (silently) in the bad situation you are solving. When your mind begins repeating it automatically - you're FREE!
No one can interfere with you. No one controls what you tell yourself and think and feel. Other people are never the problem. Your Attention to finding solutions will change everything.
No one and nothing can interfere with you unless you -- fear it, give it your attention, and feel bad. Law of Attraction (karma) delivers back to you what you FEEL. So you are getting bad experiences - that feel bad - because that's what you're "asking for" when you send out the signal you feel bad. You will never get good results from feeling bad.
To change this situation, you need only FEEL BETTER about it -- change your Attitude. There will always be loss and gain in life - you are here for the adventure and to create the life you want to live. Get off what isn't working and onto what you love and enjoy.
There are many resources right here that can help you do it. You'll attract a solution when you are really feeling hopeful and looking for one.
The mind is
What we think
we become.”
Focus and concentration produce results. |
Once you do - you will be amazed at how quickly your life changes. ONLY ONE STEP: change your attitude (feelings) and your life will change.
Don't worry about the others or your situation - once you change your mind...everything changes. The better you feel - the happier you get - then the better your results from your attracting power or Karma.
Once you get in the grove of enjoying others you'll feel good no matter what happens. |
There's also no limit to the Joy, abundance and Good Fortune and it's your birthright - you need only FEEL it to get it and live in it!
Once you do, you will leave the bad-feeling situations behind. Either they will change, or you will attract new people and experiences.
Let Law of Attraction do the work and bring you what you feel you want. You Focus on feeling good-- no matter what.
Make the changes in yourself first - after all: Wherever you go - there you are. You take yourself with you.
Might as well practice on the others in your current situation and use them to initiate changing yourself. You are motivated now to change your mind - use that irritation to get the permanent results you want. Once problems subside...so does the motivation. There's no better time than NOW.
Once you do make the changes, the new opportunities will begin to flow in. This is effortless change and fun. It's not "against" anyone else. It's moving with the flow to your most creative and joyful self. That's a natural flow - and easy. Focus on you Vision and feel it and it's yours.
Record your progress.
Keep a journal and record of your progress (what you tried and what worked) - it will help you - and will help others.
As you solve this problem, you will be helping many others too. How? You will know the steps and what to say to them. Pay it forward, and give others a hand - it will come back to you tenfold.
You can do this even though its a new way of looking at training yourself. Over your life you have trained yourself to do many things. Learning to train your mind is a wonderful skill to have. It guarantees your success in one easy step.
Do you want a guide? Visit Stress Relief Today for a plan and attitude shift. There are some more good tips from "What You Don't Like is Your Worst Enemy: Overcome That Fear" at free of fear.
Quick Good Fortune For You: ""The worst problems contain the best solutions. Don't give up until you find your reward."
Can you spare two minutes? If you haven't yet, why not enroll in the free mini-home study program. "21 Days of Insights" open up your creative potential and reveal limiting habits - then the path to Good Fortune becomes clear and easy.
When if not now? Begin today |
Train your mind just like
you train and exercise your body:
change habits and stretch your limits.
Feed your mind a healthy diet
just like you feed your body:
Build a new habit, and strengthen your mind - then your own momentum will propel you into Good Fortune. |
Repetition works
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"One of the symptoms
of an approaching
nervous breakdown
is the belief
that one's work is
terribly important."