Solstice Magic
Assures Success & Abundance

Solstice Magic assures success in the New Year: If you activate the potent energy of this time.

If you want to increase your income - then your thoughts, attitudes and feelings about money must match your enjoying more income.

Your feelings now determine what you will be receiving in the future. Law of Attraction delivers (or mirrors)opportunities: Quick and simple.

Abundance is easily set in motion now by your thoughts and feelings. You find what you look for...look for abundance.

Your actions following through on your expectations assures your success.

The process is simple, and depends entirely on you.

No one can help or hinder you.

No one but you determines what you think and feel.

Your actions are your choice. Choose wisely now.

There’s no other time of the year quite like the Winter Solstice Holidays. There are many Winter traditions – some ancient -- and many still practiced today. All acknowledge the end of the year, Solstice Magic, and that a new year is dawning – and with it potential for great good fortune. Some pray, some plan, pledge and promise: This is the time of year to set new intentions and anticipate a prosperous future.

Winter Solstice Magic is the most celebrated time of the year.

Cultures worldwide practice similar traditions: Feasting, families gathering, and giving gifts. There’s a sense of a deeper meaning celebrated in religions, festivities, caroling, fireside storytelling and dancing. And everyone celebrates the Winter Solstice and New Year with pledges and promises for a bright future.

Winter is a time of planning and setting intentions.

Soil that has rested yields a bountiful crop.

Now is the time to rest and enjoy life "...exactly as you want it to be."

A review of several traditions

shows that the actual “Solstice Magical time” of year begins on about the New Moon on December 5th

...and ends about the New Moon on February 3rd.

That period of about 56 days (two moon cycles) is the time of Solstice Magic, when you are “planting the seeds” for the kind of year that will grow into your next year.

Winter is also a time of quiet and of personal revelations; and also of sharing and enjoying others – and the balance between the two.

"The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof." Barbara Kingsolver

How do you “plant the seeds” for your future?

  • Begin now at this potent time to actively create your future success - plant the “seed feelings” you want to grow into your life.
  • Law of Abundance matches up feelings or vibrations (not words and wishes) with matching experiences. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.
  • If you are enjoying finding gifts and sharing your resources – you are planting “wealth”. If you are fussing and feeling stressed and broke – you are planting “poverty.”
  • Loving all the fun food and feeling good about your body weight and health? Good! You are planting a Healthy fit body…but if you are fussy and feeling fat – you’ll get more of that!
  • Enjoying balancing work, play and parties? Good! You’ll have all the time you need to do what you love. But if you are feeling stressed….well, you know the answer. Don’t do that!
  • Same with people: if you want joy-filled friendships, enjoy them during this potent time. No complaining and blaming because you don’t want more of that.

You can only grow a future from the seeds you plant and cultivate.

Nurture the future want now by giving your your full attention to your desires for an abundant, happy life.

"It takes a lot of courage
to release the familiar
and seemingly secure,
to embrace the new.

But there is no real
security in what is
no longer meaningful.

There is more security in
the adventurous and
exciting, for in movement
there is life, and in
change there is power."

Alan Cohen

The key is to live RIGHT NOW as you want your year to become.

Hard to do?

Think about it.

It’s much harder to live in an entire year that is difficult, isn't it?

After all – Solstice’s magic time is only 56 days…and YOU CAN FEEL GOOD for 2 months - how hard is that?

"Let me keep my mind
on what matters,
which is mostly
standing still &
learning to be astonished,
which is gratitude."

Mary Oliver

NOW is the time: A few facts and a little history reveal the potency available now - to help you achieve success.

There are some natural events that are so significant that all cultures throughout time have celebrated them collectively.

Your ancestors marked the Solar Seasons in stone.

Catch the Solstice Magic and align with traditions and the natural cycles.

Solstice Magic is such a time.

It was celebrated at Stonehenge and in Celtic monuments spanning centuries.

Also marked in stone by the Mayan, Egyptian, Anasazi, Aborigine, Aztec, Inca, and at Kula Lumpur…

...and back into time-out-of-mind seen in stone monuments from cultures we’ve long forgotten.

Most people celebrate “an event” marking the Solstice Magic time: Christmas, Hanukkah, Deepavali (Duwalli), Kwanzaa, Festivals of Light, New Years and many others.

You are naturally marking the rhythms of the seasons in nature -- within your own body.

Tune in and feel your own circadian rhythms following the increasing darkness and drawing inward in the winter season.

Solstice Magic is the natural phenomenon behind the festivities.

Winter has the longest nights of the year and shortest days. Winter Solstice is the day the sun appears to, “stand still.” From December 21st, the days become longer and the nights shorter. Six months later, the procession north stops, turns, (Summer Solstice) and again moves to the Winter Solstice point. These are the natural rhythms that cultures mark with ceremonies.

This time is your deepest natural internal withdrawal – just as life “withdraws” within itself in nature. It’s a time to assess the years past and reflect on happenings and changes.

It’s a time of remembering all those that contributed to you being where you are now: Friends, places and events of your past. Think of it all as parts of the tapestry that is weaving around you as you journey through time. It’s often the most difficult and tumultuous times that give life color and depth. You certainly learned as much from your adversaries as from your friends.

Find the feelings of deep gratitude and stillness. Feel connected to everyone walking your life path with you, from the past, to the Now and into futures unknown. Feel right now what you want to feel in your future…and tradition assures that it will come to pass: Like magic.

Your Good Fortune for the Solstice Magic season: “Giving and receiving are the same. You will soon receive back the gifts you give.”

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Every culture from the beginning of recorded history celebrates Winter Solstice traditions. It is the one time of year that mankind globally celebrates together. It is the Solstice magic time of the "returning of the light."

Follow the Solar Seasons and the Solstice and Equinox with an overview and more information on Solstice Magic.

Refresh your memory about your attracting power with a quick review of "karma" and the Law of Attraction.

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