Relieve Stress:
Look 10 Years Younger in 10 Minutes

Relieve Stress: Look 10 Years Younger in 10 Minutes
By Cheryl Janecky
"Worrying is like a rocking chair,
it gives you something to do,
but it gets you nowhere." Glenn Turner
Aging does not mean decline. “Aging” is passages we all go through and the outcomes are as diverse as we are. People age differently in different cultures and different socio-economic groups – and it’s not always the results you might expect.
Studies on aging have only found ONE thing that actually slows the aging process: a low calorie diet! The societies with the longest – healthiest – longevity eat low caloric diets. They also live in rural villages: fresh water and food (no chemicals) and little stress.
"Stress is the trash of modern life -
we all generate it but if you don't dispose of it properly,
it will pile up and overtake your life."
Danzae Pace
Nothing will age you faster than stress. Stress is also the culprit behind illness, disease and poor reasoning ability. The good news is: you have TOTAL control over the stress you experience. It’s a choice.
Why have so many made such bad choices? Because they think they can get what they want tolerating stress. Most believe that stress is a by-product of getting what you want…the old work ethic. Actually stress means you’re going in the wrong direction, and NOT going to get what you want - but that’s another story.
"Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow,
it only saps today of its joy."
Leo Buscaglia
You can choose to live stress-free. One good way to start is on a fun area that we are all motivated to do: look ten years younger. It’s very simple, but you have to do it – that depends on your motivation. And your insight or on an …ah HA! moment…. that THIS works!
I guarantee it works. I can’t guarantee you’ll do it. (If you do, you might end up kicking the expensive rejuvenation face products habit. And look better naturally.)
To begin, read this section and THEN go to the mirror. You’ll see why in a moment.
Allow your face to relax into your natural expression. (We all have one.) Next, choose a mirror where you won’t be interrupted for ten minutes. (you only need two, but ten would be nice, huh?)
Now go to the mirror. Do not change your expression. Gaze softly at yourself. Don’t change anything. Just observe where you are right now, relaxed with the natural tension you carry in your face.
If you hear your mind chattering about lines, wrinkles, or aging…note that that’s you, programming your future. Do you want to do that? You could be saying to yourself, “I love being happy, healthy, wealthy and wise.” And repeat that over again until it sticks.
"Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action."
Walter Anderson
Now start with the mouth: and allow your lips to soften, your teeth to part slightly, your jaw relax. Notice the difference. That will also relax the area around your hairline…and then your eyes.
As you relax gently, you’ll feel a smile “behind your eyes.” That’s you being happy at being set free. As your mouth softens you will feel a natural smile emerge. The tension in your neck and shoulders will release… Don’t “do that,” just allow it to happen.
Next: open your mouth wide: yawn. Repeat 3 times. Notice the difference: you can now feel the tension relaxing – it tingles. Now open wide and stick your tongue out as far as you can. Repeat 3 times. Now you can feel the tension inside tingle. And your lips too. Once you get all this stretched out and relaxed, your face will relax another 30% or so.
"Tension is who you think you should be.
Relaxation is who you are."
Chinese Proverb
This may take a little longer at first – but 2 minutes is long enough. Repeat this again several times and you’ll soon relax and be happy in 30 seconds – or less.
Recall your “normal expression.” You want to see where you are in the old habit compared to where you’ll be relaxed. That difference will motivate you to continue throughout the day, and just do it. Also, checking a few times a day will show you your normal face-tension. See the emotions on the Emotional Scale and you will see it easily.
You are aiming at the same relaxation as a happy, sleepy baby. No face tension. No judgment. Content. Happy. Stress Free. That’s timeless and ageless…and you can do it.
Normally it takes a little longer starting up the good habit, maybe 10 minutes a day until you remember, “I love feeling happy, healthy, wealthy, wise.” And your face will respond. A side benefit is that so does the rest of your life. The better it gets, the better it gets.
The next stage happens when you begin to remember throughout the day to “just relax.” After all, you can expect to repeat this for several months as it took you YEARS of training to get that tension stuck in place.
Eventually you will only need 1 minute or so a day – 10 seconds at a time, and then only when you undertake stress-filled activities (family gatherings, new job, separations, problems – life.) Once a habit is in place, it continues automatically.
"Whether you think you can or think you can't -
you are right."
Henry Ford
And if you don’t continue to relax your face until you create a new habit that’s stress free?
Well, then you’ll age quickly beginning with the stress lines you have just discovered. It’s an I.Q. test. Once you see how YOU are doing it to you…it’s pretty likely you’ll stop it.
Your Good Fortune for today is, “Your beauty shines from within you – don’t cage it in.”
Cheryl Janecky is the expert on attracting Good Fortune and quick easy steps to Living the Dream stress free. Get the facts and free "21 Insights, tips and strategies" at Stress Relief Today
Start now, find your passion, take action and live your Dream. From the new sciences and ancient wisdom, get the free facts on how to live without fear or stress at Quick Good Fortune: © Cheryl Janecky - All Rights reserved.

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